Thursday, May 14, 2020

Global Positioning Systems And Its Effect On The Way We...

Global positioning systems have made enormous changes in the way we travel and now this same technology is making great strides in helping individuals manage their type 2 diabetes. The d-Nav is an innovative device created by Hygieia that automatically maps out a patient’s insulin treatment by charting his or her glucose readings. The creators term the device a â€Å"Diabetes Insulin Guidance System† (DIGS). Eran Bashan is the CEO and co-founder of Hygieia, Inc. He states that just like a GPS for a car, the user tells the device where he or she wants to go and DIGS creates a master plan, adjusting the plan according to current blood-sugar levels. Bashan continues stating that the benefit of a global positioning system is not its ability to†¦show more content†¦United Kingdom Study Finds d-Nav Effective in Dropping Average Blood Glucose Levels According to a previous study conducted by the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust in the United Kingdom, which is part of the country’s National Health Service, patients who used the d-Nav service had a substantial decrease in their average blood sugar levels (HbA1c); furthermore, there was a significant reduction in the costs associated with diabetic care during the 12 months of the study. Ann Baker is Blue Cross/Blue Shield’s vice president of wellness and care management: She states that BC/BS evaluated the data from the United Kingdom study and they are eager to explore the potential d-Nav has in reference to patient care and cost reductions for their members in Michigan who have type 2 diabetes. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Michigan is the first health plan within the U.S. to evaluate the d-Nav as part of their mission to provide their members who have chronic conditions with innovative solutions. March of 2016 - Hygieia and Blue Cross/Blue Shield (BC/BS) of Michigan Teaming Up for d-Nav Study Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of the disease and occurs when the body rejects or does not produce enough insulin. There are more than 3 million people within the U.S. who have this condition and 20 million globally. The Ann Arbor-based medical device company Hygieia is teaming up with Blue Cross/Blue Shield of

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